PR Pointers For Mobile Content

More people have access to cell phones than working toilets. From a PR perspective it has never been more crucial for brands to adopt a functional mobile presence, as more and more, devices become our primary source of information. Furthermore, given mobile’s prevalence, now there is great opportunity to drive your content and brand more directly and immediately to users than ever before.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when expanding your PR repertoire to include a mobile presence.

Spatial relations. When it comes to mobile, space is minimal and clutter unforgivable, so keep content short and to the point. This will help ensure that the small screen digital experience is a big success.

Watch the repurposing. Just because you are trying to drive engagement through a boiled down interface doesn’t mean a mobile site should be void of original content. People love new stuff, and furthermore, it provides you with a great opportunity to showcase different aspects of your brand and deep knowledge of your field. Don’t forget to include buttons to your blog, Facebook, Twitter or other social media profiles as well.

Remember context. We all want information NOW, and mobile can offer the best transmission of instant data. Mobile content should be contextualized to provide users with exactly the information they need when they arrive at the site. Present your content in the exact way you expect it to be searched. That way you maximize your chances of gaining traffic as well as recognition, within the increasingly dense digital and business landscape.

“Always be recommending.” While each article and piece of information on your mobile site should be succinct and strong enough to stand on its own, it is important to keep user needs in mind. So, if you’re a shoe retailer, and a user searches an article on a certain style of footwear, you may want to provide recommendations for other relevant content, like deals, walking clubs, hosiery, etc. This simple step not only syncs with your sales and marketing strategy, but speaks indirectly to your brand’s breadth of knowledge, content and products.

Before jumping into mobile content, be sure you have a clear plan. A great mobile site can be the difference between a growing and engaged customer base and a stagnant (or even shrinking) one.

Organizing Your Digital Content

“Email, instant messaging, and cell phones give us fabulous communication ability, but because we live and work in our own little worlds, that communication is totally disorganized.” — Marilyn vos Savant

But it doesn’t have to be!

In our “own little” digital worlds we get bombarded with vast amounts of information every minute of every day. That’s why we all need some easy, useful advice to keep it all together.  Most importantly, staying on top of your “digital life” will help you meet your “real life” deadlines. Here are a few tips that I find useful and seek to apply every day.

Make sure that you’ve read or skimmed through every email. It’s bad practice to have hundreds of unread emails in your Inbox. It is almost certain that some of those messages contain information that you need.

File or color-code your emails. We all work on different projects or clients, and if you have thousands of emails in your Inbox, it is hard to find the information you need at the right time. Creating subfolders and filing your read messages appropriately will help you manage the vast amounts of information.

Use Outlook Calendar. Some of us hate it, some of us can’t live without it, but ultimately creating meeting makers will save you from schedule mix-ups. Even if you don’t use Outlook Calendar, others can see when you are busy and can schedule meetings around that time.

Always have a to-do list. It is important to write your tasks down. It allows you to look at the overall workload and decide what needs to take priority and what should be delegated to another team member. Excel comes in handy here because you can create easily filter the columns by deadline or client, for example.

Have a cheat-sheet with information that you use often. Whether it is an account number or your freelancer’s cell phone, make sure that you always have frequently used information handy. I’m a big fan of the digital sticky-notes. They allow me to access useful information by just glancing at my desktop.