
Through cybersecurity marketing strategies, Crenshaw helps companies that are competing within this vital industry build their brands and differentiate their offerings. Expertise and technology matter in the field of cybersecurity. That’s why our campaigns help increase awareness of the knowledge, experience and technological innovation behind the company name.

Cybersecurity • July 9, 2018


In Cybersecurity, Innovation Counts Finnish cybersecurity provider F-Secure has a strong portfolio of consumer and corporate products and is well known in Europe. Our team has helped it expand visibility for new B2B products and services and build recognition for its use of data and artificial intelligence. Stories like a Wired feature on its discovery […]

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Cybersecurity • March 14, 2011


avast! Gets America Talking (like a pirate!) With Crenshaw at the helm, software PR need not be dull. International Talk Like a Pirate Day offered an offbeat opportunity for avast! (the name means “halt“ in pirate-speak, which is exactly what the free downloadable software does to viruses and malware.) Seeing gold in the story, avast […]

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Building a Cybersecurity Marketing and PR Plan for Success

Businesses that provide cybersecurity and security solutions need to maintain a positive profile in order to stand out in the crowded U.S. market. Our PR teams are prepared to maximize opportunities for our cybersecurity clients to gain valuable media coverage and to communicate complex concepts in a way the public understands. Our media work, in combination with our cybersecurity marketing strategies, can speak to a company’s future clients—those decision-makers at the small business, partner or reseller and enterprise level. We have established a track record of creating successful marketing campaigns and public relations programs for cybersecurity organizations like Avast, F-Secure, Infosecurity NA, and the National Cybersecurity Alliance. Our PR and marketing work across industries demonstrates our ability to enhance a cybersecurity company’s name recognition while communicating the unique selling points of their products and services.

Implementing effective marketing strategies means cybersecurity businesses can move closer toward achieving their business goals. We use a proactive strategy to generate earned media coverage for our clients. We also offer a rapid-response plan, enabling our client experts to provide valuable commentary about breaking news stories or offer advice on public cybersecurity concerns. A successful cybersecurity marketing and PR plan includes both positive media and thought leadership exposure. Thought leadership programs allow our clients to share their opinions, ideas and forecasts within the marketplace of industry ideas.  Through these programs, company’s leaders, innovators and other professionals can differentiate their security brand’s identity. For more information on security public relations and marketing, contact us today.