
Media Relations

Media relations, with its desired outcome of earned media results, is still at the heart of PR because of its perceived objectivity.

Do You Still Need a Media Relations And Public Relations Agency Today?

Media relations and public relations are often thought of as synonymous. Of course, they aren’t the same thing; any PR pro will tell you that media relations is actually a subset of the broader range of public relations services, which can include communications strategy, key messages, a storytelling blueprint, and often content creation and marketing.

That’s one reason some PR professionals feel that a media relations consultant or “publicist” label is reductive and inaccurate. Another is the decline in traditional media outlets, which has made publicity placement more challenging, and the rise in “owned” media, or brand-created content.

We Are Proud To Be A Media Relations Agency

Despite rumors of its decline, journalist relations remains a core PR skill and a critical part of what we deliver as a proud media relations agency. There are fewer traditional journalists today than a decade ago, and social media has added an enormous dimension to the equation. Yet, the void has to some degree been filled by bloggers and other non-traditional creators of content. And the journalists who remain now have the potential for greater influence due to social sharing.

A company blog about key industry issues or an online newsroom with stories about employee successes are just two examples of effective branded content. Yet a similar story published in a major newspaper or respected online outlet can often offer greater credibility. “Earned” media and branded content should ideally work together in a comprehensive brand or corporate communications program.

At Crenshaw Communications, we we are proud to be a media relations agency, and we place a high premium on media relations skills – contacts, publicity results, and earned placements are still the centerpiece of most Crenshaw programs. The point is that all media – earned, owned, and shared – should work together to create a cohesive and powerful media relations program that drives visibility, influences opinion and spurs action. Take a look at our work in media relations services, and let us know if you agree.