It’s now or never for 2014 PR results! And now is the time to ensure that your team is leaving no stone unturned in leveraging opportunities for holiday PR events and stories. Here are some items for that list.
Find an unlikely holiday angle. What’s hot in the news right now that you can craft into a holiday story angle? We know some expert will be discussing how lower gas prices will affect travel, but do you represent an expert who can offer insights on what lower gas prices mean to holiday shopping? Or perhaps a psychologist or author to discuss the “positives” of working retail on Thanksgiving Day? How about proffering a product that falls in sort of a “vice” category but is still hot and trendy?
Stuff your social stream with holiday tips and updates. Serious holiday shopping and planning begin this week. Own some of the chatter by offering timely trivia and useful advice on appropriate SM sites, from unique holiday decor on Pinterest to a party tip a day on Twitter; leverage your client and company expertise.
Pitch plenty of holiday round-up stories. No matter what product or service you have to offer, there is an end-of-year opportunity for you. Scour ProfNet and and HARO for reporters doing “trendiest holiday gifts” or “most ingenious products” and look at reporters who produce these lists annually, such as “WTF Holiday Gifts” then think beyond that. Package 1-2 from your portfolio and get a theme going.
Leverage charitable giving. This is a great time to align with a cause that reflects your company’s ethos in some way. Choose a recipient that allows your company and colleagues to do something (collecting coats, eyeglasses, food) or to be part of an event (serving at a soup kitchen, singing at a senior center). Find a unique way to stay involved all year long and encourage others in your company and networking circles to do the same.
Get those holiday newsletters going. Consider something a little different for a seasonal update. It’s a time to be more personal or humorous and let your readers know your “softer side.”
Schedule those holiday lunches/cocktails. When was the last time you did something sociable with your clients and colleagues? Now is the time to connect on a less business-y level and reinforce your relationships as you go into a new year. Remind everyone you work with how much you enjoy them as genuine people, not just business associates with one of these fun outing ideas. This goes for media contacts, key strategic business partners, etc. The personal touch can reap lasting rewards in these relationships.