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8 Things A New York PR Agency Is Thankful For This Holiday

Another Thanksgiving holiday has rolled around, so it’s time to offer gratitude for all things large and small that make life at a NY PR agency one of the most intriguing, maddening, and satisfying careers a person could ever want. Here’s the 2015 list.

PR’s value as a business tool. As an industry, our “stepchild” days are in the rear-view mirror. The the influence of strategic public relations has never been greater than it is today, which is one reason it’s a great time to be working in PR.

Great clients, naturally.  Where would we be without them?

Clients that keep on giving after they’re gone. Former clients who remember and recommend us at exactly the right time are a privilege and a gift.

The media feedback you need, when you need it. Precise and honest responses from top-tier media contacts make our job easier and us smarter.

Cool tools. We love using newish communication tools like Slack and Trello.

Our PROI network. We partner with an amazing network of PR agency affiliates who support global client and new business needs at the drop of a hat. That’s a blessing in itself.

Round-the-clock tech support. Okay, this one may be coming in 2016, but it’s coming.

The agency life.  The “never-a-dull-moment” quality of life at a New York PR agency can make you crazy, but like any other high-energy career, it’s a treat.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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